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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 21 September, 2024
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Language : English
DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
E-ISSN : 2582-4198
NAAS Rating
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Total Papers
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Green Farming
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  • 1. Papers are invited for the forthcoming issues of Green Farming. Few Mini Review articles on applied aspects of new approaches (with Sr. Authors) may be adjusted, if sent on priority by email. For more details, please contact us.
Vol. 6 (4) : July-August 2015 issue
Green Farming Vol. 6 (4) : 712-715 ; July-August, 2015
Effect of botanical seed treatment on seed quality during storability of greengram (Vigna radiata L.)
Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005 (Karnataka)
Designation :  
1P.G. Student *(assajjan@gmail.com), 2,3Professor
Subject : Agronomy and Crop Production
Paper No. : P-2754
Total Pages : 4
Received : 5 October 2014
Revised accepted : 16 June 2015
First Page
Citation :

FAZULLA SHARIFF A., ASHOK S. SAJJAN and RAVI HUNJE. 2015. Effect of botanical seed treatment on seed quality during storability of greengram (Vigna radiata L.). Green Farming Vol. 6 (4) : 712-715 ; July-August, 2015

A laboratory experiment was carried out at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2013-14 to study the effect of botanical seed treatment on storability of greengram seeds. The investigation consists of eight treatments (T1-Neem oil, T2-Castor oil, T3-Neem leaf powder, T4- Prosopis leaf powder, T5-Sweet flag rhizome powder, T6-Vitex negundo leaf powder, T7-Deltamethrin,T8­-Untreated control and in four replications. The results indicated that Deltamethrin @40mg/kg of seed significantly reduced the seed insect infestation, disease infection, maintained the proper germination percentage, seed moisture, root length, shoot length and seedling vigour index. However, the botanicals like neem oil and castor oil (5 ml/kg seed) have on par with Deltamethrin (40 mg/kg seed), followed by sweet flag rhizome, Vitex negundo leaf powder & neem leaf powder (10 g/kg seed) but they were superior over the untreated control.
Key words :
Botanical seed treatments, Disease infection, Greengram storability, Germination percentage, Insect infestation, Seedling vigour index.