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International Journal of Applied Agricultural & Horticultural Sciences
  • 21 September, 2024
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DOI Prefix : 10.37322
P-ISSN : 0974-0775
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Vol. 8 (4) : July-August 2017 issue
Green Farming Vol. 8 (4) : 895-900 ; July-August, 2017
Comparison of fruit set, fruit drop and quality attributes of Kinnow mandarin trees of different bearing age
aDepartment of Botany, bDeptt. of Fruit Science, cDeptt. of Vegetable Science,
dDeptt. of Mathematics, Statistics and Physics, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana - 141 001 (Punjab)
Designation :  
1Student *(sidhubhawan222@gmail.com), 2Senior Botanist, 3Senior Horticulturist, 4Senior Biochemist, 5Professor (Statistics)
Subject : Fruit Science and Pomology
Paper No. : P-6399
Total Pages : 6
Received : 28 December 2016
Revised accepted : 18 May 2017
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Citation :

BHAWANDEEP SIDHU, NIRMALJIT KAUR, H.S. RATTANPAL, NEENA CHAWLA and  I.S. GREWAL. 2017. Comparison of fruit set, fruit drop and quality attributes of Kinnow mandarin trees of different bearing age. Green Farming  Vol. 8 (4) : 895-900 ; July-August, 2017

Plant age plays an important role in determining the fruit quality but studies to determine its effect are rare in fruit crops, especially in citrus. The present study was carried out to evaluate the patterns of flowering, fruit set, fruit growth, fruit drop, fruit juice characteristics and yield in Kinnow mandarin trees of different bearing age at the new orchard of Department of Fruit Science and in the laboratory of Department of Botany, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2015-2016. There was a significant variation in the biochemical constituents of the fruit juice in the three age groups under investigation. The maximum total soluble sugars (8.82%), total soluble proteins (14.90 mg/100 ml juice), flavonoids (17.69 mg/100 ml juice), vitamin C (26.70 mg/100 ml juice), total soluble solids (10.40 %) and TSS: acid ratio (11.81) has been recorded in the fruits that were picked from 15 year old Kinnow trees. 15 years old Kinnow mandarin trees gave highest fruit yield due to decline in fruit drop and increase in fruit size.
Key words :
Biochemical characteristics, Fruit set, Fruit drop, Kinnow mandarin, Physical analysis, Tree age.